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Trach Breathing and Swallowing

This animation goes over how breathing and swallowing changes from normal when a tracheostomy tube is placed with and without balloon cuff inflation. Furthermore, breathing and swallowing when a passey muir valve (PMV) is placed on the trach is also described.

For more general info on trach:

More info on trach care:

Watch actual trach surgery here:

Check out our online store for other throat/swallow related products: https://www.FauquierENT.net/store_throat.htm

Trach Breathing (0:40)
Trach Swallowing (1:01)
Trach Swallowing & Breathing with PMV (1:37)

This video produced by Dr. Chris Chang:

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#trachbreathing #trachswallowing #trach #tracheostomy #medicalanimation