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Swallowing Exercises — How to Make Your Swallow Stronger [Exercise 1 of 3]
Swallowing Exercises — How to make your swallow stronger (Exercise 1) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4S1Afq4fps
The first two exercises will work the muscles in the back of your mouth and your throat, which will make your swallow stronger. Remember to keep your mouth wet. Lets get started!
To make this exercise more comfortable make sure your head is not tilted back. Stick out your tongue and hold it between your teeth and lips. Now try to swallow your spit with your tongue in that position. Remember if your mouth feels dry swish water or baking soda solution around in your mouth and spit it out afterwards. Lets try that one again.
Stick out your tongue and hold it between your teeth. Now try to swallow your spit with your tongue in that position. Good job! (x3) Repeat this exercise 5-10 times
Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth as hard as you can now swallow as hard as you can. Remember if your mouth feels dry swish water or baking soda solution around in your mouth and spit it out afterwards.
Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth as hard as you can. Now swallow as hard as you can. Good Job! (x3). Repeat this exercise 5-10 times. The information within this video is not intended to replace any advice provided to you by your health care team. For your safety, we ask that you do not act on the information within these videos without first discussing your treatment or healthy living plan with your qualified health care providers.
For more information about UHN Patient & Family Education, visit www.uhnpatienteducation.ca.