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— Урок 09. Shopping
Автор: Физер Ольга Валериановна
Видеоуроки Google Play — http://video-tutorial.ru/08/

Речевой материал:

лексический: post office, florist’s, shoe shop, hair dresser’s, fishmonger’s, bakery, jeweller’s, chemist’s, butcher’s, clothes shop, optician’s, newsagent’s, bazaar, department store, flea market, car boot sale, shopping mall, magazines, a bunch of , a kilo of, send a letter first class, silver necklace, a packet of , a new pair of, some stamps, some prawns, suit, expensive, I need to buy some, Where’s the nearest…?, Whereabouts is it exactly?, opposite the…, just round the corner, between the… and the…, a five-minute walk from here.

Prepositions of place

opposite — напротив

just round the corner — сразу за углом

down/up the road — вниз/вверх по улице

right across from — прямо через

between — между