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Noam Chomsky’s Misreading of Human Nature
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«If you believe that America is in need of ‘denazification’ and that a corrupted corporate media covers up this truth with lies, you are bound to have difficulties with real fascism. All around you, mainstream defenders of America say that she has fought the worst systems the human race has produced and point to the evidence in the media and elsewhere which proves the moral superiority of democracy. The danger when you reject the mainstream is that you defend anyone else who is against the mainstream and challenges its version of history.
Maybe I’m trying too hard on his behalf.
Maybe Chomsky was just a shallow dogmatist who could never own up to a mistake. He certainly wasn’t a fascist. Like his successors in the twenty-first century who made excuses for Islamism, Baathism and wife burning, he couldn’t join the gang but couldn’t denounce it either for fear of the psychic consequences the admission there were worse ideas in the world than Western democracy would bring.»
Nick Cohen in ‘Whats Left?: How the Left Lost its Way: How Liberals Lost Their Way»
Speaker in Video: Steven Pinker