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Interests and hobbies
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— Урок 46. Interests and hobbies
Автор: Овсянникова Наталья Александровна
Видеоуроки Google Play — http://video-tutorial.ru/08/
Ключевые слова: Ice climbing, underwater hockey, sandboarding, zorbing, skydiving, snowboarding, rock climbing, paragliding, playing a musical instrument, listening to CDs, going to art galleries, painting pictures, reading books/magazines, going to the cinema, eating out, designing your own clothes, writing novels, watching DVDs, going to fashion shows, watching a game, playing computer games, working out at a gym.
Речевой материал: введение новой лексики, составление предложений с использованием новых лексических единиц, развитие навыков чтения, говорения и аудирования.
• playing a musical instrument — Joanna likes playing the piano. It’s her favourite musical instrument. — играть на музыкальном инструменте
• listening to CDs — Sam enjoys listening to CDs. He has always got his player with him. — слушать диски
• going to art galleries — I’m really into going to art galleries. You can enjoy priceless pieces of art. — посещать галереи
• painting pictures — I have a friend who is painting pictures. — рисовать картины
• reading books/magazines — I don’t like reading magazines, but I really love reading books. — читать книги/журналы
• going to the cinema — Going to the cinema every Thursday is our family tradition. — ходить в кино
• eating out — My cousin likes eating out with his friends. — есть вне дома (в кафе, ресторане)
• designing your own clothes — I think that designing your own clothes and wearing it requires courage. — создавать одежду
• writing novels — Writing novels is hard, as you need to be very creative. — писать романы
• watching DVDs — I like watching DVDs on a Sunday evening, because there is no need to be in a hurry. — смотреть диски
• going to fashion shows — Going to fashion shows is a good way to know what’s trendy. — посещать модные показы
• watching a game — My husband enjoys watching computer games online. — смотреть игру
• playing computer games — He also likes playing computer games when he has free time. — играть в компьютерные игры
• working out at a gym — I really hate working at a gym, because I think that swimming in the sea is better. — тренироваться в спортивном зале
• Ice climbing — is an activity where a person climbs a frozen rock — ледолазание
• Underwater hockey — is playing hockey in the water — подводный хоккей
• Sandboarding — is to slide down the sand dunes on the board — катание на песке
• Zorbing — is an activity where a person falls down the hill inside a giant transparent ball — зорбинг
• Rock climbing — is when you climb a rock — скалолазание
• Snowboarding — is a sport where you slide in the snow using a snowboard — катание на сноуборде
• Skydiving — is an activity where a person jumps from a plane and falls down for as long as possible without opening a parachute — затяжные прыжки с парашютом
• Paragliding — is free flying a long distance using a special parachute — парапланеризм