Computer problems

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— Урок 21. Computer problems
Автор: Ахапкина Мария Евгеньевна
Видеоуроки Google Play —

Ключевые слова: common computer problems, computer genius, reboot, damaged software, application won’t install, identify and fix computer problems, hard disc space, temporary files, duplicate files, user manual, provides, folder, come across, free up, software

Речевой материал:

лексический: website, motherboard, server, monitor, disc drive, blog, scanner, device driver, reboot, damaged software, to install application, to identify and fix computer problems, hard disc space, temporary files, duplicate files, user manual, to have a virus, connection to the Internet, hard disc, to delete a file, to lose files, to reboot a system, to run a search, Internet provider, folder, anti-virus software, run a search, despair, phrasal verbs: run out of, free up, get rid of, come across

грамматический: Употребление в речи видовременной формы Future Simple, а также фразовых глаголов.

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