Magic of Innovation 2023: Opening and Plenary Session

On October 20–21, MGIMO University hosted 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference «The Magic of Innovation: Outlook for Linguistics and Language Teaching in the Present Context» (, organized by the English Department No.1.

This time, as 10 years ago, the conference is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the School of International Relations, which has celebrated its 80th one in 2023. At the opening ceremony Igor Putintsev, Vice-Rector for Language and Pre-University Education, welcomed the participants of the conference, emphasizing that today the study of foreign languages, the number of which has increased to 54 at MGIMO University, is still an integral part of the training of an expert in international relations, and educational institutions need the most advanced technologies to ensure the highest possible level of language proficiency.

The participants in the academic event were also welcomed by Andrey Sushentsov, Dean of the School of International Relations, who briefly outlined the history of studying foreign languages at the School.

The conference was kicked-off by a panel discussion led by Dmitry Kryachkov, Head of English Department No. 1, raising topical issues of modern language education. Head of the Laboratory for the Russian Language, Literature and Foreign Languages of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements “FIPI” Maria Verbitskaya, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Elena Andrienko, Head of Antiplagiat Research Department Andrey Grabovoy presented their reports. The conference participants were able to ask questions and discuss their concerns.

Later the conference participants continued their work at master classes, seminars and round tables, as well as at eight sessions. Traditionally, the conference included a poster session and a book fair, where the forum participants presented their new textbooks and monographs.