George Condo «Internal Riot» at HAUSER & WIRTH

James Kalm has heard the rumors of the possibility of a reinstated Covid-19 “lock-down” for New York City and its environs. Having recently endured nearly five months of gallery and museum closures, your correspondent was anxious to get some views recorded of shows around town before another possible quarantine.
George Condo “Internal Riot” at Hauser & Wirth is the artist’s debut exhibition with this gallery. This show comprises two floors of works, a selection of large “Cartoon Cubism” head studies, and a selection of works on paper. Condo has been one of the most recognized American painters from the 1980s. His melding, mixing and matching of strands of art historic styles, classic cartoon figuration, Action Painting, and pretentious punning of the “great painting” is comical, and nothing short of audacious. These works were produced during the quarantine, and display the artist’s whimsical ability to suck every influence, media, style and aesthetic into an ever-expanding black hole of kitsch. A musical introduction is provided by Wayne Tucker Music @waynetuckermusic. This program was recorded on November 19, 2020.

Links to other George Condo programs are below:

George Condo Mental States at the NEW MUSEUM

George Condo Paintings & Works on Paper at SKARSTEDT

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