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ENG: Arts of the Middle Ages. Masterpieces from the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria. Online tour

RU: Экскурсия на английском языке по выставке «Искусство Средневековья. Шедевры из собрания Национальной галереи Умбрии». Экскурсия на русском языке доступна по ссылке https://youtu.be/kERWzZWYHwA

We invite you to enjoy the online tour at the magnificent exhibition arrived to the State Hermitage museum from the National Gallery of Umbria (Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria) in Italy. Some 40 paintings, sculptures and works of applied art from that time illustrate the development of the artistic schools of central Italy between the 13th and early 15th centuries. This period is also known as the Proto-Renaissance that anticipated a new turning-point era in all spheres of artistic creativity.

Such exhibits are a rarity in Russian museums, so this joint project between two museums – the State Hermitage and the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria – is of exceptional consequence. The unique religious works and pieces of secular art have never before left the Italian museum in such a significant array and never travelled far from Perugia.

Tour of the exhibition “Arts of the Middle Ages. Masterpieces from the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria” is given by Helena Nazarian, specialist of the Hermitage Educational Department.