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Sergei Guriev | October Lecture 2019
Corruption in Russia is persistent, from the lower echelons of society to the highest state levels. It is one of the main complaints of ordinary citizens. But Russia’s corruption is a global curse and the Netherlands are part of its world wide web.
In the third October Lecture by Raam op Rusland Sergei Guriev – prominent Russian economist and former adviser of president Putin – will speak about the undermining force of corruption in and outside Russia.
Paul Tang, member of the European Parliament, will elaborate on the facilitating role of European, in particular Dutch, institutions and governments, and will discuss with Guriev what measures should be taken to impede the flow of dirty money.
The evening will be moderated by Marike Stellinga, political and financial journalist/columnist at NRC Handelsblad.
This event is organised by Raam op Rusland (Window on Russia) and de Rode Hoed.
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