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Sonya from Toastville | Romeo & Juliet | Premiere Episode 10 | New animated series for kids
Watch the new episode of the animated series Sonya from Toastville — Romeo & Juliet.
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Hey guys, it’s Sonya here! I believed that if a Toastian and a Crumble can fall in love, then maybe Light Side and the Burnt Lands will be able to find peace and harmony. In the end, I understood, that fights happen not because someone is a Toastian and the other is a Crumble, but because they don’t know how to be friends.
Join #Sonya, Maya, Nick, Muffy, and all Toastians on their funny adventures!
🧁 Watch all episodes of Sonya from Toastville at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6EVXBCWziI&list=PLzyPgPuMK29Shd4-fuyddgMMcvh_wh_Tf&pp=gAQBiAQB
🍏 Coming soon in the next episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6EVXBCWziI&list=PLzyPgPuMK29SKpYsRiDdtc6YQAa9H8nDS&pp=gAQBiAQB
More about Sonya from Toastville:
One day, a nine-year-old girl Sonya accidentally discovers the miraculous properties of the breadbox in her kitchen: if you attach a toast magnet to it among other magnets and turn it, you are teleported from the world of humans to the magical city of Toastville, located on the planet Toastland.
The planet looks like a piece of toast that someone’s bitten into. There’s a moldy top half, a cheese-like membrane, and a burnt bottom half.
The planet is inhabited by charming creatures, the Toastians, but also by unpredictable and treacherous creatures, the Crumbles. The Toastians live on the colorful top half of the planet, and the Crumbles live on the dark lower half. During her adventures, Sonya will find that evil isn’t necessarily cloaked in black, and that good sometimes doesn’t look all that pretty.
✅ Subscribe for all the latest from Sonya from Toastville ➜ https://bit.ly/SubscribeToSonya