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SGIA at MGIMO Welcome Day
MGIMO Welcome Day 2023 was traditionally held at the MGIMO Stadium last Saturday, 23 September, bringing together all the freshmen of our University.
One of the highlights of the celebration was the opening ceremony, at which MGIMO Rector A.V.Torkunov made his speech. He emphasised that today students from almost 50 foreign countries study at the University, thus our University, on its part, is a multicultural and multicivilisation community. Besides, Alexander Bobrov, Acting Director of the MGIMO School of Government and International Affairs, delived his speech dedicated to the results of the admissions in 2023. It was noted that today the first-year students of SGIA are boys and girls from 21 countries (In total at SGIA there are students from 36 countries): both from neighbouring countries and from all the continents of the planet.
SGIA freshmen took the traditional MGIMO freshman oath, participated in inter-faculty sport-competitions, and learnt about the activities of all student clubs and associations of the University. Such events help strengthen student brotherhood and facilitate the integration of newly arrived international students into the academic community of MGIMO.