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Rocket Launch From Underwater (In 4K Slow Motion)
Just for fun I decided to build a model rocket and launch it from underwater while filming it with the high speed camera in slow motion.
this is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now just to see what would happen and if the rocket would even ignite.
in the past I let rocket engines underwater and under liquid nitrogen so I assumed it would work but I was really unsure as to how the rocket would break away from the surface of the water.
this video is 100% just for fun so hopefully you enjoyed it let me know what you think in the comments below and here are the previous rocket episodes in case you’re interested.
See through Model rocket engine in Slow Motion: https://youtu.be/_xvVJQSGHts
Model Rocket Engine Burned underwater: https://youtu.be/czwBWB5u6Hg
Rocket Igniters Burned in slow motion: https://youtu.be/yP2d3mnhiT8
Burning Model Rocket engine under liquid nitrogen: https://youtu.be/E5r2N9yQi5A