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Outdoor Table & Bench Seats
My Premier Project Plans: https://paskmakes.com/premier-project-plans/
My Free Plans: https://paskmakes.com/free-plans/
This Bunya Pine flitch has been lying in front of my shed since just before Christmas waiting for me to get to work on it. I knew I was going to make an outdoor table but wasn’t 100% how (I had ideas) and also what to make the seats out of. That’s what held the project up. The Bunya Pine flitch was felled locally as the tree was already dead — I believe you can’t legally fell a healthy Bunya. It was given to me as it was about to go into the fire!
I forgot to show what I was using on the angle grinder to clean up the timber, it was a Turbo Plane disc from Arbortech — it’s an awesome but very messy tool. On that note — after making all that mess I blew out all the work surfaces with my petrol blower, this is not ideal inside but I have a very large door at the front, an industrial fan and I left the workshop for a couple of hours afterwards. It does a great job and very fast at cleaning up.
The steel bands were put around the flitch in the hope to stop any splitting, I will have to see how that goes as it may still shrink a little even though there wasn’t much moisture in there. If it does then I can adjust the bands or even drive a wedge in underneath. I think it should work out. 🙂
I hope you enjoy the video and as always I’m happy to answer any questions.
Check out my Instagram to see more of my work https://www.instagram.com/paskmakes/
Also you can check out my photography at my website (nothing to do with making but you may be interested in what I do) http://www.neilpaskinphotography.com