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I Made a Self Driving FPV RC Car

Over the past 4 months, I built a self-driving racing car, 1/10th scale, that is capable of racing over 40mph in my university’s hallways. I implemented this using SLAM, particle filters, and pure pursuit algorithms. Hope you enjoy it!

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1tdeXjaJpk&ab_channel=StevenGong

The original build is called F1TENTH, you can find more information here https://f1tenth.org/ if you want to build one yourself. They organize a few competitions a year, and I’m planning on participating in one in the upcoming months.

Also, I’m looking for a Fall 2023 software internship, so if you’re hiring, would love to get in touch. I built this entire self-driving car myself, imagine what I can do for your company 👀

Link to my code: https://github.com/CL2-UWaterloo/f1tenth_ws
My notes: https://stevengong.co/notes/F1TENTH

Thank you to Venkat’s group at Clemson University for providing the F1TENTH vehicle: https://sites.google.com/view/armlab-cuicar/
My professor’s lab: https://yashpant.github.io/group/

📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stevengongg
📱 Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevengongg

Subscribers at the time of uploading: 541
I’m Steven, a university student currently studying Software Engineering at the University of Waterloo. I started this YouTube channel to share my love for learning and engineering with the world. I am passionate about everything ranging from electronics, CAD, control theory, programming, 3D printing, physics, to design. Consider subscribing if you would like to follow my journey and learn alongside me as a student of the universe!

#stevengong #fpv #selfdrivingcar #fpvracing #rccar