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Hey guys! In this video I will teach you how to make the candy stripe friendship bracelet. Subscribe to my socials below!
The Beginner’s Guide To Friendship Bracelets comes out on August 23rd in the US and about a month later everywhere else. You can pre order the book now anywhere you typically buy books!
🌈 PURCHASE LINK: https://rockynook.com/shop/print/friendship-bracelet-guidebook/
🌈 ENTER THE GIVEAWAY: https://rockynook.com/friendship/ 🌈
———————— MY SOCIALS ————————
🔸 PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/mashaknots
SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/MariaMakarova
STREAM CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/MashaStreams
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/Masha_Knots
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/zSsJsUknUK
BRACELETBOOK: http://www.braceletbook.com/user/Racoon.html
——————- VIDEOS MENTIONED ——————
BEGINNER’S GUIDE: https://youtu.be/UYQnqb-20NA
BASIC KNOTS: https://youtu.be/bClGNDcndMg
TRIANGLE ENDS TUTORIAL: https://youtu.be/05sDSDDr5rM
MORE ON TRIANGLE ENDS: https://youtu.be/FovN0GDccEc
———————— CAPTIONS ————————
Captions by Morgan (mlstolba), Ana (ana.knots), Sophia (acc.soph.sories)
———————— TIMESTAMPS ————————
00:00 — Intro & Where To Start
01:37 — I Wrote A Book!
02:08 — Colours & String Lengths
02:34 — Beginner’s Loop
03:31 — String Order
04:06 — Bracelet Tutorial
06:31 — Repeating The Pattern
06:51 — Strings Bunching Up
07:28 — Bracelet Tutorial — Alternative Forward Knots
09:13 — Half Triangle End Tutorial
14:11 — Result & Outro
———————— MUSIC————————
Music by Chillhop: http://chillhop.com/listen
Outtro: J. Roosevelt — Sandalwood
Copyright Chillhop Music — https://chll.to/42c17367
Background: Aves — Everyday https://chll.to/43d0e7e4
Listen on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify